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Empty tab. Edit page to add content here.
- departement:
- a:1:{i:0;s:34:"Technique Analyses Instrumentation";}
- fonction:
- localisation:
- UFR Sciences et Techniques, Batiment Mirande (Dijon), Aile D, Bureau DS02B1
- telephone:
- 03 80 39 60 33
- e-mail:
- aurore.andrieux@u-bourgogne.fr
- texte_onglets:
- [tabs] [tab title=Carrière] Tab Content 1 [/tab] [tab title=Projets] Tab Content 2 [/tab] [tab title=Communications] Tab Content 3 [/tab] [tab title=Publications] Tab Content 4 [/tab] [/tabs]
- carriere:
- projets:
- communications:
- publications:
- enseignements:
- administration:
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- 0
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